Fact-Checking Policy

At www.iczmpodisha.org, we are committed to providing accurate and reliable information to our readers. Our fact-checking policy outlines the procedures and principles we follow to ensure the integrity and truthfulness of our content.

1. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to:

1.1. Ensure the accuracy of information published on our website.

1.2. Maintain the trust of our readers.

1.3. Combat the spread of misinformation.

1.4. Uphold high journalistic standards.

2. Fact-Checking Process

2.1. Source Verification

  • We use only reputable and authoritative sources for our information.
  • Primary sources such as official government websites, press releases, and official notifications are preferred.
  • When using secondary sources, we cross-verify the information with other reliable sources.

2.2. Multiple Source Confirmation

  • Whenever possible, we confirm information from at least two independent sources before publication.
  • If information is based on a single source, we clearly state this in the article.

2.3. Expert Consultation

  • For complex topics, we consult subject matter experts to ensure accurate interpretation and reporting of information.

2.4. Data Verification

  • All statistical data, dates, and figures are double-checked before publication.
  • We provide links or references to the original data sources when applicable.

3. Handling Unverified Information

3.1. We do not publish unverified information or rumors. 3.2. In cases of breaking news where full verification may not be immediately possible, we clearly state what has been confirmed and what remains unverified.

4. Corrections and Updates

4.1. If an error is identified post-publication, we correct it promptly and transparently. 4.2. We add a correction note at the end of the article, clearly stating what was corrected and when. 4.3. For significant errors, we may publish a separate correction notice.

5. Reader Participation

5.1. We encourage readers to report any factual errors they find in our articles.

5.2. Readers can report errors by emailing us at Email: [email protected]

5.3. All reports are taken seriously and investigated promptly.

6. Transparency

6.1. We are transparent about our fact-checking process.

6.2. When appropriate, we explain in our articles how certain information was verified.

6.3. If we are unable to verify a claim that is central to a story, we will say so explicitly.

7. Training and Development

7.1. We are committed to ongoing training in fact-checking techniques and best practices. 7.2. We stay updated on the latest fact-checking tools and methodologies.

8. External Fact-Checking

8.1. We are open to external fact-checking of our content by reputable fact-checking organizations.

8.2. If an external fact-check identifies an error in our reporting, we will correct it and acknowledge the external fact-check.

9. Commitment to Improvement

9.1. We regularly review and update our fact-checking processes to ensure they remain effective and up-to-date.

9.2. We welcome feedback on our fact-checking policy and practices.

By adhering to this fact-checking policy, we aim to provide our readers with information they can trust. We believe that accurate information is crucial, especially when it comes to topics such as job opportunities, government schemes, and educational matters that can significantly impact people’s lives.